“… behind every face there is a unique human being, and if this person is to thrive and be able to use his or her potential to the fullest, the core needs to be healthy. The core is shaped during childhood, where we, as good ‘gardeners,’ must care for the fragile plant and give it the exact amount of light/shade, water/drought, and so forth.” 

~ Helle Heckmann

Our program

Honey Bee Hearth Preschool is a home-based program for children ages 2.75-5. The size of the program is limited to 6 children – which gives them much opportunity to work closely with the teacher and for the teacher to get to know each child.  It is inspired by the principles of Waldorf education and Lifeways North America. The program is both indoors and outdoors with a daily rhythm consisting of play, storytelling, circle time, artistic activities, gardening, and meaningful work. The children will develop their sense of confidence, imagination, gross and fine motor skills, social/emotional skills (including awareness of the other), and how to care for their environment.  They will have plenty of opportunities to practice patience, trying new things, and other challenges. This is always done in a loving, supportive way.

 We follow the seasons of the year in all we do – telling stories, singing songs, and gardening based upon what mother nature is up to outdoors. In the winter, we will work with the beeswax from our own bees to make candles to light our way in the darkness. In the spring, we shall plant seeds to grow our pollinator friendly garden and also to grow vegetables for us to eat. In the fall, we shall harvest pumpkins and dance around our pumpkin patch. We always have to feed the chickens! The children hear stories from nature and afar; they see puppet shows and act the stories out as a play with lots of enthusiasm and joy. Every day we wake up our kind words, working and playing hands, and our loving hearts. As children thrive with a predictable rhythm, they can relax into themselves and build the foundation of a healthy human being.

Have you ever lived in a place and felt that you wanted to share it with others? That’s how I imagined starting a preschool at my home in Corte Madera. It was not only the home of my father and uncle growing up, I was fortunate enough to be able to raise my two children in the same place. We planted in the garden my grandfather had started 80 years ago, we welcomed chickens to our backyard (as my father had when he was a boy), and we made room for several hives of honeybees. All the while, there was room for joyful play, exploration, and meals with family and friends.


Rhythm of the Day


9:00 - drop off, morning activity

9:30 - circle time

9:45 - inside play

10:45 - snack

11:00 - outside play

12:00 - story time

12:30 - lunch

1:00- first pick up, aftercare begins

4:00 - second pick up

waldorf preschool Corte Madera


Monday   - baking day with homemade applesauce

Tuesday    - Oatmeal with organic fruit

Wednesday    - Soup with organic crackers and fruit

Thursday - Popcorn and organic fruit

preschool program Corte Madera


Monday           - baking our snack (muffins, buns)

Tuesday           - chopping vegetables for our soup

Wednesday     - watercolor painting and crafts

Thursday - caring for the classroom, milling oats

preschool education Marin county
playing preschool

Honey Bee Hearth Calendar

(Sept 2023– June 2024)

Sept. 5              First day of school

Nov. 20 - 24 Thanksgiving Holiday - no school

Dec. 25 - 28 Winter Break (week 1)

January 1 - 4 Winter Break (week 2)

January 15           M.L. King Jr. holiday – no school

Feb. 19-22  Mid Winter Break – no school

April 8 - 11          Spring Break – no school

May 27                 Memorial Day – no school

June 6                   Last day of school