“What a treasure of a preschool! My son entered Honey Bee Hearth at age 3 and had the most wonderful transition. With my first child at a different school there were so many tears and anxiety but at HBH he simply smiled at me and waved goodbye. What an amazing feeling for a parent. Sylvia’s rhythm is so sweet and nurturing. He comes home each day with proud stories about chopping vegetables, petting chickens, imaginative play in the garden and singing songs. He is eager to show off some of his new big boy skills he has learned with Sylvia such as setting the dinner table, reciting a meal blessing and putting on his shoes all by himself. The garden is full of life with fruit, wild greens and honey bees, it is a wonderful environment for kids to explore their curiosity and blossom. I give Honey Bee Hearth my highest recommendation!”

— Octavia


“Honey Bee Hearth has been the most wonderful experience for our entire family. I am beyond grateful to have found teacher Sylvia. We previously had our son Charlie at another preschool here in the Marin area and getting him to go to school was a never ending battle. He cried every day and at pick up he would run for me. I could see the relief in his eyes that the day was over and it broke my heart. Learning in these beginning years is so critical and most importantly we want him to have a positive view of learning. Charlie immediately took to Sylvia because she is warm and engaging. Honey Bee Hearth is truly a magical place. Every day I drop Charlie off I know he is in the best possible hands. Not only can I rest assured that he is safe but there is such a wonderful energy and sense of calm the moment you walk through the gate. The kids are immersed in nature and get the opportunity to learn first hand about gardening, caring for chickens & bees, organic cooking and so much more. Sylvia does the most enchanting puppet shows and is mindful with every story and activity selected. All the toys are wooden and encourage the development of imagination. Charlie has learned so much and has developed such close friends at Honey Bee Hearth. We are so excited to return next year and couldn’t recommend the preschool enough. Sylvia has my number and I’m happy to speak to anyone regarding our experience. ”

— Sarah

“Sylvia’s school, Honey Bee Hearth (HBH), is a magical place and Sylvia is the creator of that magic. I feel so very happy that my daughter (began at age four and turned five while in Sylvia’s care) was able to be with Sylvia during her precious younger years. My daughter was a bit uncomfortable at her previous school and truly blossomed into a comfortable, confident child with Sylvia. Sylvia’s program is organized, nourishing, and grounded in the principles of Waldorf education. Most importantly, my child benefitted from Sylvia’s lifetime of education, experience, and love of early education. Sylvia’s teaching “style” isn’t so much a style as it simply is who she authentically and caring-ly is in the world. Years of love and skill go into familiarity with each step of caregiving a young child - the rhythm of the day; meal times and nourishment; gardening and the world of nature; stories, art, music, and magic. It makes me tear up a little just thinking about it.”

— Jen